Frantic love and longing for God, for Godliness
12 April 2020
I smiled inside thus smiling to the whole creation
12 April 2020God exemplified His way of creating the worlds, galaxies and universes

The Godly Attribute of Godly Perspective
In the past two days I have experienced a space that opens from the heart and the activation of anahata chakra. I watched as this space extends from the heart encompassing the universe with stars, suns, planets and celestial bodies. It was as if God exemplified His way of creating the worlds, galaxies and universes from His all-embracing perspective. It is a very vast perspective which encompasses much more, infinitely more than the limited, personal perspective through which I usually look at the world. I realized how limited I am in my everyday life compared to this Godly perspective.
What this attribute has taught me is to have a much greater openness towards the world, to look in a completely different way at life, with transfiguration and to transcend the ego that actually limits and constrains. Even this small opening and little impulse I have received in these meditations, through the awareness of my limitations, is a very big step forward and I intend to deepen it further.
I can say that my life has changed greatly in these weeks, there are some inner transformations of changing the point of view, of how I perceive the beings and events of my life. It is an even inner alchemical process. I stand face to face with certain limitations, which I was previously ignored out of ignorance, but now I prefer to express things just the way they are and to be honest with myself and the others.
I feel that entering in resonance with the Godly Attributes and being open to their energy, there is an elevation of the vibration level. But above all, for this to happen the low energies must be purified.
Thank you, Spiritual Guide, for your infinite support!
D. C. year 24 Copenhagen