I felt a very subtle, delicate and sweet nectar that nourished my being
2 November 2022
A state of unconditional acceptance, tenderness and love for oneself
6 April 2023I felt as if He was pronuncing words without sound

The Godly Attribute of the Godly Word (Godly Logos)
I started to begin to feel an awakening of sahashrara, the formation of the supreme beatific void, and automatically, all of a sudden I felt at the same time, the awakening of the void of the heart very intensely.
I began to feel God coming closer, as if He had a pen, writing words near me, coming even closer, at the level of sahashrara while I was feeling wonder and curiosity to try to see what He was writting.
At one point I asked Him to speak to me, for me to hear Him, because I couldn’t see what He wrote. And He came closer, came to my ear, and started communicating with me. I felt as if He was pronuncing words without sound.
I felt a profound godly presence around me, embracing my whole being, and the awakening of an inner fire at heart level, a strong burning flame that spread throughout my being as the energy rose from muladhara chakra to vishuddha chakra; tears were falling with a sense of purification, I felt as God was purifying my being.
At some point my ego appeared and started to tell me how I would write my testimony but I sent it away over and over again, I told it firmly to shut up and at some point it didn’t come back.
I continued to firmly focus in sahashrara. My arms and hands started to become very energised and I felt my spine was burning, all my being vibrating with so much energy going up to my head through sushumna nadi.
At one point I asked God to let me hear Him in order to understand Him because somehow I was not understanding what He was communicating with me. Sahashrara opened more and I felt a giant intensity in that area, as if the doors were opening fully to be flooded by His presence, an intense shower of godly energy.
Tears kept falling, but now with a feeling of deep longing and pure happiness, until my heart spontaneously exploded with ecstasy – pure ecstasy was pouring out of my chest and expanding to all angles, all directions, and I felt that God was speaking words of love, support, presence and effervescence to me through that ecstasy.
I was wishing to laugh out loud and cry at the same time, with such a complex feeling inside my heart. It was a space full and empty at the same time, with a void and esctasy. The energy continued to rise and expand everywhere and slowly the feeling in sahashrara started to become lighter, peaceful, more expanded in a less effervescent way and I felt a deep tranquility at that level, as if I was a rocket that lived the intensity and efervescence of leaving Earth and reached the profound peace and depth of space, floating in the beatific void, which I felt as the Kingdom of Heavenly Father.
Thank you with love and profound gratitude!
B., 6th year, Portugal