I rose above the Earth
10 December 2021
I had become very “alive”
27 January 2022I felt very small, like a grain of sand

The Godly Attribute of Godly Glory
The Godly Attribute of Godly Glory:
The more I gradually deepen the communion with the godly attributes, the closer I feel to God the Father and the more I feel Him present in my being.
Today while practicing yoga, I began to cry out of longing for God. Lately I have become more and more detached from the worldly life and I have entered a more elevated world, that of the spirit. I felt such an intense love for God, such a great openness to embrace Him, that I felt I had taken steps toward the true state of yoga (communion with God).
The Godly Attribute of Godly Glory lifted me in spirit into a paradisiacal world in which angels and Archangels sang in chorus the glory of God: "Glory to Thee, the Most High!" The voices of the angels were together in a wonderful chorus and I joined them. It was a state of intense longing for God manifested through love for Him.
Suddenly I felt very small, like a grain of sand. I can only define this state as a revelation of God's infinity in comparison with my dimension as a human being.
Sahasrara became intensely activated and then I felt an outpouring of love and divine grace doubled by a state of deep gratitude and humbleness. Thus the Glory of God was revealed to me, far from any so-called worldly and ephemeral glory.
Thank you Heavenly Father, thank you Grieg, for embracing me in Your infinite love.
D. C., year 24, Denmark