Gratitude is a great source of power
12 April 2020
A rain of golden light
20 April 2020We all have the fundamental right to be ourselves

The Godly Attribute of Godly Tolerance
Tolerance means accepting that we all have the fundamental right to be ourselves and that we are different, albeit essentially the same. It means humility to accept different points of view and different visions, the openness to learn from everything that surrounds us and to listen instead of speaking.
In this evening's meditation I had the perception that I am in a school of Godly Attributes, God is the one who teaches us and Grieg who assists us in these lessons we learn. These qualities of Attributes once assimilated into our being, they open the gates to the state of deification.
Every week I understand a lot more that each attribute has a specific vibrational frequency and I have more and more access through resonance to this special energy as a radio gets attuned to different radio stations. Although theoretically I have long understood this, in these meditations, with Grieg's exemplification it is much easier to assimilate these energies through practical experience. This energy is unique to each attribute and I increasingly notice how I sense what is specific to each Godly Attribute. It is like a distinct subtle space in which every Godly Attribute is manifested and it cannot be mistaken to another. I aim daily to put into practice in the everyday life the aspects of the exemplified attribute. At the end of the week I do a brief meditation to crystallize the effects of that attribute.
Regarding the Godly Attribute of Godly Tolerance, in many life situations I have been confronted with the lack of tolerance towards others. I realized that I lived for a long time in a fast and competitive world, in which the rush to consume experiences and to accomplish many things in the shortest time possible is regarded as a normal living condition. But this rush makes us superficial.
The Godly Attribute of Godly Tolerance has given me the understanding that each one of us have our own rhythm given by our existential condition and the lessons we have come to learn here on Earth. A recent lesson is to rush slowly. I notice that when I am profound in what I do, the gates of communicating with God in action open, He who is so tolerant with us. Another lesson is the fact that we all make mistakes, only God alone is without error and there we must always turn our attention to getting out of ignorance and illusion. Tolerance is a lesson of life.
In today's meditation I received a wonderful gift, an overwhelming love from God and I felt that my heart could not fully encompass this love. I could feel that God loves us so much, that we should also love each other in turn, by loving the Supreme Self Atman which exists in all of us. Then tolerance takes a new meaning, that of infinite love.
D. C., year 24, Copenhagen