The sublime subtle energy of each Godly Attribute is inexhaustible

It is important to know and keep in mind that the specific subtle sublime energy of a particular Godly Attribute is and always remains endless. Therefore, when in our inner universe we initiate a process of occult resonance with the subtle sublime energy of a particular Godly Attribute and we receive for no matter how long in our inner universe the specific subtle sublime energy of that Godly Attribute, we can be absolutely sure that the specific subtle sublime energy we receive then in waves in our inner universe is and always remains endless and inexhaustible.
Regardless how much of the subtle energy of a Godly Attribute we capture in our inner universe, it remains endless, for it eternally comes from God the Father. That is why we can be sure that the subtle sublime energy of any Godly Attribute that we receive in our inner universe is and always remains, without exception, endless.
It is entirely up to us whether or not we are in a state of occult resonance with a certain Godly Attribute

The essential condition for receiving in our inner universe this specific sublime energy of a Godly Attribute, such as for example love, is to enter and then to remain incessantly in occult resonance with the specific and endless subtle energy of that Godly Attribute. All that stops us from entering or maintaining ourselves in such a process of resonance with the endless energy of a Godly Attribute is only ourselves. Therefore, we ourselves are the ones who stop us or, in certain situations, we never have access to such a process of occult resonance with the specific subtle sublime energy of a Godly Attribute, because we never create in our inner universe optimal conditions for such process of occult resonance with the specific and endless subtle sublime energy of a Godly Attributes to appear and to be maintained.
This revelation that may seem banal to some is and still remains a great secret. We can each be convinced of the existence of a certain Godly Attribute when we live and know in an ineffable and intuitive way such a Godly Attribute by means of an intense, profound and overwhelming inner state. Thus, when we know an an ineffable way and we deeply experience the specific subtle sublime energy of a particular Godly Attribute, we are convinced that the law of occult resonance exists and works - we could say - precisely, mathematically.