The mystery revealed for the first time of the Godly Attributes

The Godly attributes are, each of them, characterised by the existence of distinct subtle sublime energies that have a certain frequency of vibration that never modifies. Each Godly Attribute is and remains in eternity a sublime subtle energy that presents a certain frequency of vibration that never modifies. Given the fact that we, humans, were created by God, as we all know it, in His image and likeness, this makes it possible for us to know and to feel in a direct, ineffable and intuitive way each Godly Attribute that is accessible to us when in our inner universe are created the appropriate conditions that make possible the triggering of an ineffable process of occult resonance with the subtle sublime energy that is specific to a Godly Attribute.
We are the ones who say "Yes" or "No"

The essential condition for receiving in our inner universe this sublime subtle energy that is specific to a Godly Attribute is to enter and then to keep us incessantly in a state of occult resonance with the subtle sublime endless energy of that Godly Attribute. What stops us from entering in or ceaselessly maintaining such an ineffable process of occult resonance with the endless energy of a Godly Attribute is precisely our own baggage of limitations. Therefore, it is us who block the access to such a process of occult resonance with the specific subtle sublime energy of a Godly Attribute, because we do not create then in our inner universe optimal, adequate conditions for the appearance and maintenance of such an ineffable process of occult resonance with the endless subtle sublime energy of that Godly Attribute. This is the great mystery revealed of the Godly Attributes, which, for those who are capable of intuiting its priceless value, will prove to be a great revelation and a priceless spiritual godly gift, but to those skeptics who are not yet prepared to understand, it seems trivial and consequently it will remain a big secret to them.
Our inner state is the indicator

The revelation in the inner universe of the great mystery of the existence of the Godly Attributes starts from the moment when the human being comes to experience and to know in an ineffable and intuitive way the godly reality of such a Godly Attribute through an intense, profound and overwhelming state. Thus, when we get to know in an ineffable way and to deeply feel the specific subtle energy of a Godly Attribute, we can be convinced that the Law of Occult Resonance exists and works in a precise, mathematical way, we could say. At the same time, when we manage to know in a direct and ineffable way, through a process of occult resonance, the specific sublime subtle energy of a particular Godly Attribute, we manage to discover God the Father intimately in our being. Moreover, in such privileged moments, we discover in this way that each of us was made in the image and likeness of God the Father.
As far as the Godly Attributes are concerned, the Good God does not set any limits

When we are able to understand, but especially when we discover through direct inner experiences that the Godly Attribute with which we seek to enter into a subtle fundamental communion is indeed a Godly Attribute that is characterised by the existence, in its reality, of a subtle sublime energy that is defining and endless and whose frequency of vibration is distinct and never modifies, we realise that in reality the Good God does not set any limit in the way of that Godly Attribute, which is always omnipresent in His Creation and Manifestation, because the arms of God remain open and through them we are offered the subtle sublime energy of that Godly Attribute, which is in fact inexhaustible. It is completely up to us if we decide to turn our backs on that mysterious Godly Attribute.
The hidden message can be decoded internally

By knowing and understanding properly this important esoteric revelation, we see the necessity not to let ourselves ever be alienated or distanced from the immense subtle and endless energy of any Godly Attribute, which is everywhere and permanently available to us on the condition to choose it and to dare to attract it, and then to accumulate it abundantly in our inner universe, to decode and assimilate the characteristic hidden message that appears to us through the dominant state that we feel then.
In this way we can convince ourselves progressively by the intense experimentation and deepening of a Godly Attribute, that thus we begin and then we can continue the cryptic process of gradual theosis of our being, which is realised through the subtle sublime energy of that Godly Attribute.