What does the existence of the Godly Attributes mean to us?

We can each be convinced of the existence of a certain Godly Attribute when we experience and become aware in an ineffable and intuitive way of such a Godly Attribute through an intense, profound and overwhelming inner state.
At the same time, when we manage to know in a direct and ineffable way, through a process of occult resonance, the specific sublime subtle energy of a particular Godly Attribute, we manage in this way to discover and feel God the Father intimately in our being. Moreover, in such privileged moments, we discover that each of us was made in the image and likeness of God the Father.
Discovering a Godly Attribute is just the beginning

When we have succeeded at least once in discovering and knowing through direct experience the existence of a certain Godly Attribute, such as the Godly Attribute of Godly Love, which is characterized by the existence of a subtle, distinct and endless subtle energy, we can realise that it becomes easy to access other Godly Attributes, which for the time being seem inaccessible. In this way we can sense that, as the Godly Attribute of Love is characterized by a specific subtle energy that has a frequency of vibration that never modifies, it is the same with other Godly Attributes that we do not yet have access to. And the fact that we do not have access to them, does not mean that those Godly Attributes do not exist. Analogically, the fact that for the moment we have never connected our radio to a certain station that exists, does not imply assuming in a stupid way that the radio station has never existed and does not exist.
The knowledge of God

These aspects revealed here are of great value because, although it is often asserted that there are various Godly Attributes and it is even claimed that these Godly Attributes are something specific, this revelation that God gives us, namely that these Godly Attributes are more than "something", or in other words, that they are a distinct and endless subtle sublime energy that has a frequency of vibration that never modifies, it is a very important, very valuable truth that we should reflect upon.
Discovering the Godly Attributes as distinct subtle sublime energies that have a frequency of vibration that never modifies is an innovative aspect that opens for each of us perspectives of extraordinary depth, because at the same time the direct experience of a certain Godly Attribute makes it possible for us to know, to discover and to feel God to a certain extent, thus making us be absolutely certain that He ceaselessly exists and embraces us..