The energy of this attribute gives the tone to the whole of God’s Creation
14 April 2022I didn’t need anything else, everything was just perfect
20 April 2022I became aware of a certain victorious, sovereign dynamism, of infallible invincibility
The Godly Attribute of Godly Victory
I quickly delved into my heart and became aware of a very, very deep state of inner peace in my being, a perfect balancing of all energies, their convergence into a state of calm, of neutrality. I relished in this inner peace for a long time, pretty much during the entire exemplification
At some point, having this perfect inner peace and stillness in the background, I became aware of a certain victorious, sovereign dynamism (without having, however, any kind of agitation, but which was due to the perfect state of BEING still), of infallible invincibility which had its source in the heart - in the heart of God. I was bathed in light, everything was light - inside me, outside me.
Thank you!
E., 24th year, Copenhagen