There was a standing ovation
13 April 2022
I am eternal: I was not born, I will not perish…
13 April 2022I had this feeling that we were in a movie. A comedy.

The Godly Attribute of Godly Humour
At first I couldn't really stand the music for the Godly Attribute of Godly Humour - I felt like I was wasting my time. But your testimonials, dear colleagues, have spurred me to listen to the music non-stop, even on the street. And there, in the midst of the people, I experienced the feeling that we were in a movie. A comedy. Even sad people seemed comical to me from the perspective that we are all playing a role on a stage and that God is playing so many roles at once and that He is also looking at Himself through so many eyes.
Then there followed the effects: people laughed with me in the shops, at work; I wanted to dance to the music and be funny too - like Laurel and Hardy. I was very easily laughing at anything people did - in the idea of a theatre. Just as some of you have described also.
Thank you very much! I love you!
B., 25th year, Cluj