“Intoxicated” with love for God
13 April 2022
God is creating me in this very moment
14 April 2022With each breath I took I felt that I was inhaling God

The Godly Attribute of Godly Objectivity
I began the communion with the energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Objectivity having as background a state of profound peace and centering in the present moment.
A key element seemed to me to be the awareness grip on the breath - I usually move quickly through the preparatory stages. This time I felt that through each breath-in, my being was filled with pure and unconditional love. Anahata chakra awakened intensely, then ajna chakra and sahasrara. I sensed the sweetness and refinement of this love, and as the higher force centres were energised, I perceived the awakening of a state of sovereign detachment - this is exactly how I can describe it with words.
In that moment I intensely experienced a state of awe that led me instantly to a communion with God in such an intimate and profound way, that with each breath I took I felt that I was inhaling God, I felt how every cell of my being was "filled" with His presence, which led me to experience the feeling of happiness, plenitude and wholeness of my being.
I embrace you with lots of love!
G. P., 26th year, Constanta