I was somehow reborn and uplifted in God
14 April 2022
I became aware of a certain victorious, sovereign dynamism, of infallible invincibility
14 April 2022The energy of this attribute gives the tone to the whole of God’s Creation

The Godly Attribute of Godly Tone
From the very beginning I found it very difficult to relate to this godly attribute. It was as if I couldn't find any inner leverage, any inner vibration or resonance, I couldn't penetrate the inner meaning of the attribute. I humbly prayed to the Good Lord and to Grieg, every day, to help me in this endeavor of assimilating this attribute.
Since last night I felt in my being the connection to a sublime, very refined and extremely pure energy which brought into my being a state of paradisiac happiness. I then understood in my inner universe that this is the subtle, sublime energy of this Godly Attribute of Godly Tone.
Everything appeared to me as being in a sublime godly harmony and, as before, in everyday life I used to relate to certain tones (the tone of fashion, the tone of music or expressions like "in tune with autumn"... etc. ), I now feel with all my being this Godly Tone which is everywhere and emanates from every cell of Creation, I feel that this sublime energy of this godly attribute resides in what I perceive to be Para Atman and gives the tone to the whole of God's Creation, just as in a godly spectacle, the godly celebration which takes place all the time, without ceasing.
My heartfelt thanks to Heavenly Father God and to Grieg for all the grace and all the wonderful spiritual gifts with which they overwhelm us, time after time...
I embrace you all with lots and lots of love and wish you all a New Year filled with this Godly Tone!
D. A., 6th year, online